Sunday, November 2, 2025

Welcome to my blog!

 I've been sick for about two weeks with some stupid cold that just won't let go. (ugh!). But here's the take away: This is probably as long as I have gone in YEARS without working on something creative every day and it occurs to me that creating, crafting,  and projects are a huge part of who I am.  I can't even imagine a life without it. What would I do?!! So I decided to start this blog to share some of my stuff and maybe give you something to do too.  So... WELCOME!

Monday, November 4, 2019

My twining loom

Yesterday I pulled my twining loom out and decided to make a rug for a Christmas present. This time I warped the loom with black with a band of red-so I'm curious to see how that will affect the look of the finished product.  I'll keep you posted as I go along.

But while I'm here, I thought I would show you my two favorite rugs. I made them both using my adjustable twining loom, and I gotta tell you, I LOVE LOVE LOVE  these rugs! The colors blend perfect with my Pioneer Woman kitchen and when they get dirty I just toss them in the wash and they come out looking brand new!
